# Deployment Reference


  • A machine with docker installed, with a publicly accessible static IP address.
  • A DNS service (such as GoDaddy, NameCheap, or DuckDNS) to give your host a DNS name
  • Ether (roughly 3 eth) to activate and fund the relayer.
  • For technical assistance, please use our discord channel (opens new window)
  • Make sure to join the announcement channel (opens new window), to get notifications on relayer configuration and upgrades.

# Start a Machine

This document demonstrate using Google Compute Engine, but you can use any hosting service The reason we use GCP, is that it has a "free tier" not limited in time (for a single micro instance), and that it comes with "docker" pre-installed.

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Compute Engine UI (opens new window)
  2. Create a new instance.
  3. For "Machine type", select "e2-micro".
  4. In "Boot Disk" change the Operating system to "Container Optimized OS".
  5. Allow http and https traffic into the instance.
  6. Create the instance.
  7. Once you can get its public IP address, add an "A" record for that IP your DNS service.
  8. To easily SSH into the machine, add your ssh public key, to the "Settings/Metadata/SSH keys"

# Install GSN Relayer

  1. Checkout the code in GSN git repository, and navigate to the dockers/relaydc folder

  2. edit .env file and set the HOST value to the public DNS name of your host.

  3. edit the config-sample/gsn-relay-config.json:

    • Edit the ethereumNodeUrl to point to a valid RPC url of the network you want to use.
    • Edit the versionRegistry to point to the right entry for your network from the Deployed networks
    • Edit hte ownerAddress to your owner account, used by relayer-register, below.
  4. copy the files to the host:

    • The .env file must be placed at the home folder
    • The gsn-relay-config.json must be placed inside a config folder
  5. to bring up the relayer, run the command

    ./rdc HOSTNAME up -d
  6. To view the log, run:

    ./rdc HOSTNAME logs [gsn1]

    Note that initial startup takes about a minute (to create a private key and register an SSL certificate)

  7. Check the relay is up:

    curl https://HOSTNAME/gsn1/getaddr

    You should see JSON output containing: { .. "ready":false, ...}, meaning the relayer is up and running, but not registered yet.

  8. To register and fund using the gsn relayer-register command

  9. Wait for the Relayer to complete the registration. It should take 1-2 minutes.

  10. Run curl again:

    curl https://my.host.name.com/getaddr

    You can see it says: ready:true

Congratulations. You have a running relayer. You should now be able to see your relayer in the list of all relayers: https://relays.opengsn.org


In order to test your relayer, add its URL to the list of preferedRelays for your client's RelayProvider. Otherwise, your client is free to pick any active relay.


The relayer generates its own Ethereum keystores & addresses internally. Do not tamper with the files or use these addresses to any other purpose. The relayer is staked on the network, performing other actions may result in penalization and loss of funds.

Last Updated: 5/11/2022, 10:30:25 AM